
Has It Really Been That Long...

What's the old saying?  Time flies when your having fun.  Well 40 years have flown by in the blink of an eye...I wonder where that time went?  It seems as if it was only yesterday I was making my wedding dress on my great grandmothers treddle sewing maching and then Dave and I got married at St. Mathews by the Lake Episcopal Church in Sand Springs, OK on a very hot summers evening surrounded by friends and family.

Our priest was Father Ernest Anderson from Scotland.  He came to this country as a woodcarver and carved the pews at Trinity Church in downtown Tulsa.  He fell in love with the church and became a priest.  Fr. Ernie was my catechism teacher.  To this day I still say Rite 1 of the 1940 Prayer Book.  I'm old fashion in that I don't like the updated modern version and under my breath say the old one. It just makes me feel better. 

I couldn't have found a better husband than Dave and I would not trade him for all the tea in China. He's a jewel that shines in my heart.  He has taken care of me through thick and thin. When we said our vows we meant, honor, cherish until death do us part.

What price do you put on love? There is none, it is priceless.  We have watched sunrises and sunsets. We have seen majestic mountains and valleys. We have seen our children grow and become responsible adults having their own children, passing on lessons learned. 

We are blessed beyond measure and for that we are thankful.

Happy 40th my's to 40 more!

Happy trails...With love...


  1. Happy Anniversary you two ! Love seeing the pictures of your wedding day. Wishing you many more happy years. Hugs to you both !

  2. What a nice, nice blog post. Congratulations to you both on your anniversary.


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